Held the 6th Content Provider Committee Meeting
Date and Time: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 3:00pm–4:00pm
Location: Online Zoom Meeting
01. Approval of minutes from the last meeting
02. Reports related to the General Working Group
03. Measures concerning OS-related companies
• Response to digital platformer transparency laws, etc.
04. Regarding the WHO ICD-11
05. Blockchain game guidelines
Burden of consultation fees to experts:
It is expected that a payment of up to 3 million yen (to be shared among the three organizations) will be made to cover the costs for attorneys and other expenses.
06. Consumer WG Report (Consumer Contract Act, etc.)
07. Report on Privacy Support Working Group
Guidelines Related to Smartphone Application Privacy Policies (Proposed Revision) p. 116
Password: 333vQJWbpFrc
08. Report on the Internet Consumer Liaison Committee meeting
Not held during this period
09. Achievements for this term and activity and budget plans for the next term
10. Others, information sharing, etc.
11. Regarding the next meeting