Mobile Content Forum (MCF)

Held the 3rd Overseas Business Development Meeting

Date and Time: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 1:00pm-2:00pm
Location: MCF Conference Room (Ebisu)

“Creative Production: Key Points to Establishing and Operating Offshore Development Lines”
Shinichiro Kasama, President of G&D Co., Ltd.

Held the 6th Overseas Business Committee Meeting
Date and Time: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 2:00pm-3:00pm
Location: MCF Conference Room (Ebisu)

1. Approval of minutes from last meeting
2. Report on the Asia Smartphone Apps Contest
3. Japan’s delegation to the India IT Show
4. Korea’s KAIT Program
5. IMGA Japan
6. Exchanges with Finland
7. MWC 2016
8. The 3rd Overseas Business Development Meeting
9. 4GL and plans for next term’s activities
10. Schedule for next meeting